Rosa Calix

Venetian by origin but Milanese by adoption. Two passions: music, in all its forms, and especially
vinyl, researching and collecting them, approaching this timeless ritual timidly from a tender
age. Musically omnivorous, ranging from garage house, to break, techno, blinking always an eye
to the UK scene. Exploring every kind of notable music genre, to never set
limits to the new and the past.
She has become a stable presence in the Milanese underground scene. Collaborating as
resident and guest in various Italian and European clubs and festivals, including: OPAL,
Terraforma Festival, HOR (DE) , EOS RADIO (DE), Renate (DE), Club Der Visionaere, Off Sonar,
Polifonic Festival, Ex Dogana Roma, Jazz Refound and many more.
Numerous collaborations for fashion brands and events related to the world of art and design
(Flash Art Magazine – iD Magazine – Slam Jam – Nike -NTS x Bottega Veneta – Hermes, Prada, Miu
Miu, Zalando x MixMag among the most recent)